Episode 409


Back amongst the others, Britt wants to provide for her friends and invites Ethan to help her create their own hunting camp deeper in the bush. Using their new hunting tools, and all their new skills, they hunt small game and create shelter and fire by themselves. Spending the night out in the wild they bond over their shared experiences of coming out, and the emotional journeys that have led them to who they are. Returning to camp, the group are excited to be taught and gifted a vital tool that might make all the difference in future hunts.

Na’ms+t ankita’suaqnmuaq etek na ajik tantunew mijipjewey w’jit wikmawa, Britt aq Ethan knek ela’tijik nipuktuk aq eltu’tij maq+tewi’kan, aq panta’lsijik kitk w’jit ta’n weja’ti’tij wla mimajuaqniktuk.