Episode 406


As some of the group struggle with their new diet, and lack of food, they must use the last of their energy to paddle to a brand new camp. With the pressure and strain at camp, tempers reach a boiling point between Aaron and Joseph and it splits the camp. But as Joe makes his own camp, he has time to reflect on his journey and the importance of connecting to his culture. Joe is reminded of why he came to Kespukwitk, and the need to preserve learning and community with his own Dene people. As the camp comes together and wounds are healed, Elders arrive to teach the importance of language and gift an ancient game that brings a new sense of joy and fun to camp. Lastly, the Elders inspire Jennifer to face her doubts about her place in the group and embrace the journey.

Kejaqmiaq telo’lti’tij, aq eluwe’wiktatultijik, Sos’ep nuku’ ejikla’sit eymu’ti’tij, katu elt ankamsit nekm. Welkaqnikewey waltes kisiku’k tapusijik iknmakwi’tij ila’lkwi’tij aq apat toqwa’lukwi’tij.