Episode 403


Crafting spears and nets, the inexperienced group are struggling to find food, but after braving a long paddle across the lake for the first time, they are gifted a weir by Elder Jerome. With a new type of shelter, they are excited to harvest their first substantial meal of fresh fish. Jennifer is taught how to prepare the fish as she bravely overcomes her fears to kill her first catch and enjoys her first traditional meal, reconnecting to her heritage.

Kitnmaq ika’q ta’n telik tantu’tij wilu’wow, aq tel we’wmi’tij kwitnn, kwilmi’tij ta’n tlittaq maq+tewi’ko’m, telwaqama’latij wilu’wa, aq eltu’tij amkwesewey wilu’wow Kiju’ Maqmikew etli kwenk.