Episode 402


Breaking camp and traveling across the lands of the Mi’kmaq for the first time, the group is relieved to find a gift of birch bark canoes from Elders. Now able to travel across the traditional lake system, they test themselves in the birch bark canoes. The first paddle is hard on their nerves while they challenge themselves on the water and learn to work together. Before they hit the water again, and can move across the lake they must overcome the emotional strain of being away from loved ones and home, and find the strength to carry each other through the difficult times so that they can all find the reconnection they are looking for.

Metu’teskasik as+mi’tij, iknmAqne’l kwitnn neyita’ql ta’n tli aji nqamasiatew telo’lti’tij. Katu miamuj na app etek kija’ kitnmamk. Netajiktuwaji wen wikma aq wi’k.