Episode 401


For 25 days six Indigenous strangers must work together, as they are immersed in culture and faced with their own survival. Together, they will learn the old ways of the Mi’kmaq as they travel within their territory called Kespukwitk, also known as southern Nova Scotia. Away from family and the comforts of modern life, they will use traditional tools to hunt and travel. Moving through the waterways they will make new camps and local Elders will teach them essential skills and knowledge, that will help them reconnect to who they are as Indigenous people. On their first day together they must figure out the basics before nightfall, working together to get a shelter up and a fire started or face the consequences of temperatures dropping after sunset.

Wejita’jik ta’n telki’k Kanata, asakom te’sijik l’nuk elta’jik Mikma’kik, tel nenasik P’kte’snuk No’pa Sko’sia. Tlo’ltitaq kutey sa’qewe’ki’k l’nu’k telo’ltipni’k, aq tapuiska’q jel na’n te’s+kl na’kwekl tlo’ltitaq kutey nike’ sa’qewe’ki’k Mi’kmaqi’k.