Made from birch bark harvested at certain times of the year, these agile canoes are able to navigate different waterways and light enough to be portaged over land with ease.
Wejitasik maskwiiktuk, aq mekenasik piltuipunq+k, melkitasikl na wla kwitnnaq aq melk+teskawekl ketu’ tlitk samqwan, aq tepi na’qji’jkl kisi alketnasin ta’n tujiew asakoma’tu’n maqmikewiktuk misoqo ika’mk samqwaniktuk n’qamasiw.A staple food source for many Mi’kmaq, eels can be corralled into weirs, or harvested with spears during the day or night, as well as through holes in the ice during winter.
Wilu’wow sa’q ki’s Mi’kmaq, kataq na kisi mawteskujik nisaqniktuk, ksna nikoqiktuk ketanujik nakwek ksna wela’kw, aq m’kumiktuk kisk tanujik teknoqo.One of the most deadly hunting tools, the bow and arrow is effective on small and large game alike. Arrowheads were made of flint, bone, and later metals.
Mawi mlkiknaq tel ne’patmk wiluw wen na majjoqtelikniktuk aq api, tlia’ apje’ji’jij ksna meskilk wais+s. Majjoqtelikne’k na wejitasijik malsiktuk ksna waqntewiktuk, tujiew kne’jijk ewe’wasik kasawo’q.The traditional name for the Mi’kmaq territory in Cape Breton, it translates as ‘The Land of Fog’ due to the weather conditions created by the Atlantic Ocean.
Teli l’nu’wisik na Mi’kmaq wm+tkimuwow Unama’ki. Wet tluisik na m+ta u’nik na jijuwaqa. Weji u’nik na tela’tikek kikjuk etek utan teluisit Atlantic Ocean.A traditional Mi’kmaq territory in what is also known as southern Nova Scotia, it translates to ‘Lands End’ due to it being the final territory to the south.
L’nu’k sa’qewe’k maqmikewmuwew tel nenasik me’ p’ktesnuk No’pa Sko’sia, teli aklasiewi’tm+k na Lands end, m’ta etl kaqtaqtesk na p’kte’snuk.Hand drums are sacred instruments constructed from the hide of a deer, moose, or other large game stretched over a circular hoop made of hard wood.
Pepkijete’maqnn na kepme’kl pipukwaqnn wejitasikl l’ntukewey m’kekn, tia’mewey, aq ta’n meskilk wais+s, eleka’tasik na hupji’jiktuk wejitasik nikmu’jiktuk.An ancient process, the hide of an animal is dipped in emulsified brains to preserve and coat the material which is then smoked and dried into leather. It is said each animal has enough brains to tan its own hide.
Sa’qewey tela’tasik+p, wais+s na mikekn ekwija’tasik w’tupiktuk klamann na aji piji klu’kt+tew tujiew na wikplatm+k aq kispasasik. Teluejik na to’q te’sit wais+s tepiaq wtpk etek kisi l’tun nekm mikikeknm.An almost lost art, fish and eel skin soaked in tannin-rich liquid can be stretched with oil or fat to create a strong, workable leather.
Suell kesaka’q, Nme’juwey aq katawey p’kekney wetqapatasik klamann na naqamasiatew tel siptaqa’tmk, ewe’wasik mimey klamann na kisitten melkitasik kowey.This is the Mi’kmaq word for medicine.
Wla na klusuwaqn w’jit medicineThis is the Mi’kmaq word for axe.
Wla na klusuwaqn w’jit axe.This is the Mi’kmaq word for Elder. Throughout the journey, Elders share knowledge to help the Adventurers better understand the land, culture, and themselves.
Nekmowey na klusuwaqn w’jit Elder. Ta’n tel milteskmi’tij wla maqmikew aq samqwan kikmanaq, kisiku’k na ekina’mua’tiji aq apoqnmua’tiji ajin s+tmnew ta’n nuta’q k’jijutnew w’jit tel pmiaq wula maqmikew, teli lnuo’ltimk, aq w’jit nekmok.